Thursday 4 December 2014


**Note: Since this is my year abroad in France, and I'm supposed to be using French, I shall now write my blog posts in French. I may add a bit of English at the end, but won't be translating everything. You can always check my main blog here for English posts!**

Nouvel appartement, nouvelles expériences!

Depuis Mardi soir, j'habite dans un petit studio en centre-ville, au 3eme étage d'un immeuble sympa. Hier après-midi, Mercredi, fut passé a ranger toutes mes affaires et a nettoyer (un simple coup de balai, un peu de spray nettoyant sur les surfaces et c’était bon). J'ai pu goûter a la joie de marcher du Carrefour jusque a l’appartement avec deux cabas bien remplis a bout de bras.. 

L'effort en vaut la peine, toutefois, lorsque l'on est bien au chaud chez soi a manger un plat préparé seule, avec les courses faites seule (du coup, il faut bien réfléchir et budgétiser!) C'est ça aussi, être grand! 

Seul petit bémol: je suis plus loin des école ou je travaille, et je dois donc partir plus tôt.. Ceux ou celles qui me connaissent savent a quel point je ne suis pas du matin! (Eh oui, même avec Ricorée...) La marche est aussi plus longue, mais vais-je me plaindre? La marche a pied n'a jamais fais mal a personne, bien au contraire, c'est très bon pour la sante! Et avec le froid qu'il fait, ça réchauffe plus que d'attendre, pendant de longues minutes, un bus qui arrive toujours en retard. (Sauf, apparemment, le jour on arrive nous même avec quelques minutes de retard..)

Sinon, j'ai des projets - pour mon devoir d’université, j'essaie de faire le maximum. Blog, vidéos.. Je voudrais vraiment créer un podcast spécial 'year abroad', mais seule, ce n'est pas drôle.. Il me faudrait des volontaires pour créer un petit show. En attendant, je continues de filmer diverses choses.. Il faudrait bien que je mette a éditer par contre!

Merci de votre lecture, et a bientôt!

Thursday 2 October 2014

French Beginnings

Ah, France! Land of cheese and wine..

Just over a week ago, I was still in the land of scones and tea, packing as many possessions as I could in my two suitcases and backpacks, happily saying my goodbyes as the excitement mounted.
Today, I feel fairly well settled - in the few days I've been here, I opened a bank account, filled in the paperwork for the securité sociale and mutuelle, went to my two formation days.. I have been a little busy, and have had a lot of paperwork to do. France loves paperwork.

Yesterday, Wednesday, was the first training day for assistants. We all got up early and boarded a train to Orléans, where we had breakfast in the café opposite the Lycée Benjamin Franklin, where we were meeting at 9am.

Language Assistants at the Lycée Benjamin Franklin
We were able to pick up various leaflets, and then sat through some presentations and introductions. Shortly before lunch, a small number of French students took us in groups to go and visit the town.

Statue Jeanne d'Arc, Orléans

Cathédrale Sainte-Croix d'Orléans

We had lunch at the Lycée cafeteria, then had another small meeting but finished a little early. We were free to roam around the city, killing time before our rather late train back. Shortly before taking the train, we stopped for a dinner/snack combination, and admired these lovely cakes.

Cakes displayed in a French café

Orléans is an interesting town with lots of history, and I quite enjoyed seeing bits of it, but the day itself was very tiring and I was glad when it was over.


Today we did not have to leave Châteauroux, which allowed me to stay a little longer in bed. We had our meeting, which of course involved lots of paperwork, did a mini tour of Châteauroux, and received our schedules. I was still suffering from yesterday's lack of sleep, so was quite tired, but it was a much shorter and less intensive day, which was a relief. Next week I start working in the schools I have been allocated to - I look forward to experiencing these next months in a French classroom!

A house window in Châteauroux